Welcome to WBio2022! You are our guest to participate in WBio2022, which will take place on June 7, 8 and 9, 2022, in Sao Paulo-SP-Brazil. WBio2022 will be a hybrid event; you can opt to attend in person at SIMA-SP and CETESB or online through the Zoom platform. Register for WBio2022 using the button below. Choose your mode of participation (online or in-person) and your theme of interest* for the parallel rooms.


DAY 1: June, 07th

Central place: opening (S-CBD, SIMA-SP and other high-level representative from L&SNG, CBD NFPs supporting the whole government approach, sponsors, and Organization Team); OEWG – an updated version of the GBF draft & introduction of every one of the Top 5 themes (by S-CBD) and Renewed and Updated PoA / L-DOC_16 (L&SNG CBD Major Group).

Parallel rooms: every one of the Top 5 projects – who are we? where are we?


DAY 2: June, 08th

Central place: the GBF contexts – science, IPLC, L&SNGs, Women, Youth, Business, NGOs, Communication, Education, and Rio Conventions.

Parallel rooms: every one of the Top 5 projects – where shall we go?


DAY 3: June, 09th

Central place: the selected funding opportunities and potential partnerships for L&SNGs; vertical and horizontal integration; and closure (S-CBD, L&SNGs hosts, CBD NFPs supporting the whole government’s approach, sponsors, partners, Provisional Governance Platform, and WBio2022 Organization Team) and closing session.

Parallel rooms: every one of the Top 5 projects – how to advance? On the ground general structures? On-the-ground pilots? With whom? Commitments till the COP15/P2/CBD.



The WBio2022 will be structured on five major themes – crossing with the CBD Major Groups and partners, under the climate change, benefit-sharing, and wetlands lens: youth, women, IPLC, NGO, Business & UN Agencies. Every theme is being evaluated considering some criteria, like the potential to be ready to be launched at COP15/P2; is recognized as locally relevant to implementing the CBD; can be monitored by SMART indicators; links with on the ground interventions supporting the implementation of the CBD; and is integrated as part of the CBD GBF context.

  1. (WBio2022 WG1) Messaging and the governance of communication, environmental education, and public awareness (CEPA).
  2. (WBio2022 WG2) The city-level: upscaling urban nature-based solutions, ecosystem-based approaches, and urban ecosystem restoration.
  3. (WBio2022 WG3) The subnational level: green & blue economy & incentive and finance instruments for land- and seascape level biodiversity actions and projects, within all the ecosystem services’ benefits, considering vertical and horizontal integration.
  4. (WBio2022 WG4) Protected Areas and other effective area-based conservation measures (OECMs) – identifying public-private synergies for connectivity, highlighting coastal and marine areas.
  5. (WBio2022 WG5) Science, knowledge generation, and monitoring: pilot exchanges, setting science-based indicators and reporting, technology transfer & capacity building systems for all of the above activities, with priority on Tropical Forests, highlighting reforestation and urban forestry & agriculture, and nature sensitive renewable energy.