IUCN Local Action Summit

On 3 September 2021, the opening day of the On 3 September 2021, the opening day of the IUCN World Conservation Congress in Marseille, France, IUCN will for the first time in its history, organise a Summit dedicated to subnational Governments: the IUCN Local Action Summit.   Please see the registration link below to learn more about the…

A Statement from the subnational and local governments at the Formal Session for SBSTTA-24, Agenda item 3

Formal Session for SBSTTA-24, Agenda item 3 | May 3rd Post 2020 global biodiversity framework: scientific and technical information to support the review of the updated goals and targets, and related indicators and baselines   Honorable Chairs, co-chairs, and distinguished delegates, I am taking the floor on behalf of the Advisory Committee on Subnational Governments,…

A Statement from the subnational and local governments at the Informal Session for SBSTTA-24, Agenda item 2

Informal Session for SBSTTA-24, Agenda item 2 | February 17th and 18th 2021 Post 2020 global biodiversity framework: scientific and technical information to support the review of the updated goals and targets, and related indicators and baselines Speaker: Roger Rivero, Representative of the Government of Campeche   Honorable Chairs, co-chairs, and distinguished delegates, I am…

Briefing Webinar for Agenda Items 7, 8, and 9 for SBSTTA 24

Briefing webinar on agenda items 7 (biodiversity and agriculture), 8 (programme of work of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services), 9 (biodiversity and health), and 10 (invasive alien species) of the twenty-fourth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice will take place on 2 February 2021. View proposed…

Briefing Webinars for SBSTTA 24 and SBI 3

A series of webinars in preparation for the upcoming sessions of the twenty-fourth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA 24) and the third meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Implementation (SBI 3) are being convened to provide information on the documents for SBSTTA 24 and for selected agenda items…