2022 Monthly LGMA webinars towards COP27 and Beyond

This month the CBC Subnational Advocacy for nature webinar will happen on the 16 of February 2022 at 10am and 4pm and it will be combined with the UNFCCC LGMA Monthly COP27, which will be therefore extended to 90 minutes so that climate and nature advocacy of local and regional governments can be dealt jointly.…

GPSC Webinar Series: Bringing Nature to Cities. Pathways to Integrated Urban Solutions to Climate Change and Biodiversity

The World Bank’s webinar series “Bringing Nature to Cities: Integrated Urban Solutions to Biodiversity Loss and Climate Change” will promote integrated urban solutions for cities to tackle biodiversity loss and climate change. Co-hosted by the Global Platform for Sustainable Cities (GPSC) and the Global Program on Nature-Based Solutions for Climate Resilience, the series of thematic events will provide an online knowledge exchange platform connecting policymakers, practitioners, and experts to further…

FINANCE & GOVERNANCE FOR LOCAL ACTION: What kind of Finance and Governance for a Green and Just Recovery

In a context where the decisions of some impact the future of others, changing our modes of production and consumption and rethinking urban areas to make them more environmentally friendly requires technical solutions, citizen awareness, political will, and financing that go beyond the decisions or resources of Local Authorities. What solutions are emerging in terms of financing and governance…

LOCAL ACTION FOR OUTSTANDING NATURE: How to conserve biodiversity hotspots

These territories are home to an “outstanding” nature, remnants of original nature, which humanity has succeeded in preserving thanks (in particular) to the registration of these sites to the UNESCO World Heritage List: Biosphere Reserves, or Federal, National or Regional Parks – all types of governance structures in which Subnational Governments are involved, thus participating in their protection.…