
Welcome to WBio2022! The WBio2022 event will take place on June 7, 8 and 9, 2022, in Sao Paulo-SP-Brazil. WBio2022 will be a hybrid event; you can opt to attend in person at SIMA-SP and CETESB or online through the Zoom platform. Register for WBio2022 using the button below. Choose your mode of…

The Edinburgh Declaration: The role of regional governments within the UN Convention on Biodiversity – COP15

Organized in collaboration with the European Committee of the Regions and ICLEI, this event is a celebration of regional and local action in the global fight against biodiversity loss. The event will be a panel discussion running from 10:30 am – 11:30 am CET, followed by a networking brunch on Wednesday, June 1st at Scotland House Brussels. Register here