Antonio Guterres, Secretary-General, United Nations
Support for adaptation and resilience is a moral, economic and social imperative. Adaptation cannot be neglected from the climate equation
Support for adaptation and resilience is a moral, economic and social imperative. Adaptation cannot be neglected from the climate equation
There is no doubt we have made progress on environmental issues in the last few decades. But climate change, nature loss & pollution & waste continue to outpace our efforts. We need to speed up. This is the key task for 2021 & in future
There is no climate solution without the full contribution from nature. As the UNEP-WCMC report and the work of UN-REDD show, if we are able to realise the full contribution of nature to climate change mitigation, we will have also achieved the goal of biodiversity conservation
There isn’t enough climate finance flow to local governments. We need to strongly push that! But money does not just come. It is attracted by solid policies, strategies, action plans, and bankable proposals.
I’d like to focus on the role of local governments in driving SDGs. We need to make sure we address climate change at the local level and break the silos, we’re looking for projects that scale-up climate action
When we talk about nature-based solutions, better managing our ecosystems in order to get nature to come back…we also solve a part of the climate change issue…and also solve some of our health issues within the current pandemic
By 2050, over two-thirds of the human population will be living in cities. Nature can help shelter urban dwellers from the worst impacts of climate change and enable them to lead healthy, fulfilling lives. The new IUCN Urban Nature Alliance will help carve out more space for nature in urban areas, and accelerate the move…
A more diverse range of actors is needed on global climate action without adding additional complexity. States, regions and cities are fundamental delivery partners on climate policy
Biodiversity & Climate Change are a shared challenge among subnational governments, and we want to recall our firm intention of being a bigger part of the solution.