Burcu Tuncer, Head of Circular Development and Global Coordination, ICLEI
When it comes to setting the rules of the game for local production and consumption, it’s our municipalities, our mayors playing that role
When it comes to setting the rules of the game for local production and consumption, it’s our municipalities, our mayors playing that role
What we have seen over the past months in our cities and town where two-thirds of the population of the European Region lives, is that strong local government in a factor behind successful pandemic mitigation. Local governments in the European Region have been and still are – at the forefront of curtailing the pandemic
If all spheres of government go hand-in-hand, we will be able to fulfil our role as guardians of the global development agendas!
We live in a time where multi-level governance is our only way, as we work our way through unchartered waters during this pandemic… The Talanoa Dialogues were all about bridging the divides between different levels of government
Initial dialogue, collaboration between all government levels and the principle of multilevel governance should be evolved through this NDC process, and also cultivate as well as advancing the principle of co-creation
As urban leaders, you’re looking beyond immediate response, planning for recovery. As mayors, you are champions for green, healthy, prosperous urban societies of the future
Without local government full involvement we will not be able to deliver the climate agenda, we should reinforce some points on the role of science and evidence
We strongly believe that a multi-level governance approach is more important than ever to build back better after the pandemic, and jointly decide on our future with member states and the UN system
Local and regional governments have a role to play in building the foundations of peace, actually far greater than has been acknowledged so far
We live in a time where multilevel governance is our only way. As we are in uncharted waters w/ the pandemic, we see that collaboration between levels of government is crucial