Statement submitted by ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability, the European Committee of the Regions, the Advisory Committee of Subnational Governments for Biodiversity, Regions4 Sustainable Development and the Group of Leading Subnational Governments toward Aichi Biodiversity Targets
In Third Session of the Special Virtual Sessions, on Resource Mobilization, on 17th September 2020
Category: Subnational and local governments
Honorable Chairs, and distinguished delegates,
We address you on behalf of our local and subnational government constituency and networks, including ICLEI, the Advisory Committee of Subnational Governments – coordinated by Regions4 and the Government of Quebec, the European Committee of Regions, and the Group of Leading Subnational Governments toward Aichi Biodiversity Targets.
The nature, climate, and health crises facing us are all interlinked. A recent OECD report indicated that the Covid-19 crisis is resulting in increased expenditure and reduced revenue for subnational governments. While its impact is not uniform, it is expected to be long-lasting. The pandemic has also demonstrated that subnational governments are on the front line when it comes to urgent and concrete action.
We know that we need to take urgent action to bend the curve in biodiversity loss and reset our relationship with nature.
Our approach to resource mobilization will be key to ensuring equitable and just implementation of our recovery plans. The 3rd Report of the Panel of Experts on Resource Mobilization, recognizes that the public sector drives the finance and policies that form the backbone of resource mobilization for biodiversity; ensures a continued, predictable flow of funds; and creates the necessary regulatory frameworks and conditions to catalyze private sector action and investment. Government authorities at all levels – national, subnational and local – play a fundamental role in resource mobilization.
To build back better and redesign our share future in harmony with nature, the whole of government and the whole of society must collaborate in taking action. This will ensure a green recovery and healthy future for all within planetary boundaries.
We look forward to ongoing engagement in this process.
Thank you.