Informal session of SBI-3, Agenda Item 11

11 March, 2021

UK Statement: Document CBD/SBI/3/19 Engagement with Subnational Governments, Cities and other Local Authorities to enhance the implementation of the Post 2020 Global Biodiversity Framework


Honourable Chairs, Co-chairs and distinguished delegates,

I am pleased to provide an introduction to the document CBD/SBI/3/19, which arises from a submission by the United Kingdom for consideration under agenda item 11 on mainstreaming of biodiversity within and across sectors and other strategic actions to enhance implementation.

The document describes the outcome of the Edinburgh Process – an online, global engagement and consultation for subnational, regional and local stakeholders, led by the Scottish Government – as agreed at Open Ended Working Group 1 in Nairobi. The document recommends a new COP decision on the engagement of subnational governments, cities and other local authorities and an update to the Plan of Action for Subnational Governments, Cities and other Local Authorities endorsed by the COP in decision X/22.

The Edinburgh Process aimed to collect the views of subnational authorities on the post-2020 framework and to undertake a consultation on Decision 10/22.  That consultation tested the level of understanding and familiarity with the Subnational Plan of Action, and obtained views on whether it needed to be updated for the next decade.

The outcomes of our consultation are outlined in an information document (CBD/SBI/3/INF/26) and identified that whilst progress has been made in implementing the Plan of Action, there is considerable scope for improvement, pointing to the need for a renewed Plan of Action.

Reflecting upon that consultation, Edinburgh Process Partners therefore drafted a revised Plan of Action – and an associated draft decision – for consideration by Parties. These are set out in the draft recommendation submitted to SBI by the United Kingdom.

If the 2030 Mission is to be achieved, it will be essential to involve all levels of Government, and society, in its implementation. This is already outlined in the draft framework – and the proposed Plan of Action clearly sets out how that could be achieved.

The Edinburgh Declaration, outlined in an information document (CBD/SBI/3/INF/25), sets out the political commitment of subnational authorities to continue to take action and commit resources to the implementation of the post 2020 framework. These commitments resonate with the draft Long Term approach to Mainstreaming.

The Declaration also calls upon Parties to work more effectively and consciously across all levels of government, and to adopt the updated Subnational Plan of Action, at COP15 in Kunming. The Edinburgh Declaration will remain open for signature and support, up to COP15.  To date it has received 132 signatures, including 115 from Subnational governments and local authorities from around the world, and I will attach the list of signatures to my written statement.


Thank you Chair.