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Roadmap to COP 15: Timeline of key milestones
Due to the novel COVID-19 pandemic, many key events on the local and subnational Roadmap to the 15th Conference of the Parties (COP) to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) are continuously modifying their dates and methods of delivery. An updated timeline, with the most recent event dates and details can be seen below:
Key Updates
One Planet Summit on biodiversity
Under the overall leadership of Emmanuel Macron as the President of the Republic of France, One Planet Summits have traditionally been focusing on accelerating climate action. This year, the 2021 One Planet Summit on 11 January focused on biodiversity, which resulted in a number of initiatives with a specific focus on ambitious commitments, and biodiversity finance. The Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions in Europe was the only network of subnational governments that joined the Summit as speaker. Considering that nature has been one of the 5 priorities of the COP26 presidency, one of the 7-pillars of the LGMA COP26 Roadmap, and strongly related to subnational advocacy for nature, we hope the outcomes of the One Planet Summit support the acceleration of ambitious outcomes at climate COP26 and biodiversity COP15 in 2021.
Stakeholder Open Webinars on the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework – Climate Change and Biodiversity
The SCBD organized a stakeholder webinar on climate change and biodiversity on 12 January 2021, which discussed how climate change will have a major impact on biodiversity management. The webinar highlighted that while climate change and biodiversity are usually dealt with in isolation, we can no longer do this. Addressing climate and biodiversity issues should be linked. Managing ecosystems preserves biodiversity, reduces vulnerability to climate change and enables livelihoods. Hence, maintaining ecosystem integrity is important.
Public investment for biodiversity management alone is often difficult. Therefore, biodiversity management should piggyback on other projects that have immediate benefits. Bundling of projects is essential: Consider biodiversity and climate benefits together with co-benefits to the local community (livelihoods) when looking at securing funding. Applying nature-based solutions (NBS) to climate change challenges, adds creditworthiness, which enables private sector investment. The collective approach lies with devising and adopting NBS. COP 26 and COP 15 can both take appropriate steps for climate change and biodiversity and should propose consultations between the UNFCCC and CBD who need to work together.
Briefing webinars for SBSTTA-24 and SBI-3
Four briefing webinars took place from 19 January 2021 and 2 February 2021 to provide information on the documents for SBSTTA-24 and selected agenda items of SBI-3. The webinars were also relevant to the ongoing preparations for the third meeting of the Open-ended Working Group (OEWG) on the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework and the fifteenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP 15). Watch the recordings below:
SBI 3 agenda item 5: relating to the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework process
SBSTTA 24 agenda item 3: on the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework
Launch of the World Economic Forum’s Global Risks Report 2021
The World Economic Forum’s 16th Edition of the Global Risks Report, shares the results of the latest Global Risks Perception Survey (GRPS), followed by analysis of growing social, economic and industrial divisions, their interconnections, and their implications on our ability to resolve major global risks requiring societal cohesion and global cooperation. The Report ranks biodiversity loss, infectious disease, and climate action failure among the top 4 risks by impact in the evolving risk landscape.,The report concludes with proposals for enhancing resilience, drawing from the lessons of the pandemic as well as historical risk analysis.
WWF’s Nature Positive by 2030: Kunming Plan for Nature and People 2021 – 2030
A recently published discussion paper, the Kunming Plan for Nature and People, presents WWF’s proposals for a transformative, comprehensive and measurable Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework that would be ready for implementation immediately after its adoption. The paper intends to help and inspire Parties to design and adopt a framework that delivers for Nature and People. The paper presents proposals for goals and targets that will drive the required transformative change, including a fundamental shift of financial streams towards nature-positive impact. It also proposes an implementation mechanism to significantly enhance transparency and accountability.
Read the Kunming Plan for Nature and People
For Nature and People: Towards the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework by Elizabeth Maruma Mrema’s
Elizabeth Maruma Mrema, the United Nations Assistant Secretary General and Executive Secretary of the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, authored a powerful article detailing what lies ahead in order to achieve the CBD’s strategic 10-year plan agreed upon a decade ago. The pathway to finalising the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework is detailed in the article.
Opportunities to get involved
Save the Date: Register for our next webinar
ICLEI continues to host its monthly Post-2020 webinar series to keep our constituency of cities and regions up to date on the unfolding participatory process on the roadmap to CBD COP 15.
Register for our webinar on 4 February
Visit the dedicated website to stay updated on the local and subnational advocacy for nature agenda and to get involved, where all recordings of previous webinars are available to watch.
Visit the Subnational Advocacy for Nature website
Edinburgh Declaration update
The Edinburgh Declaration sets out the aspirations and commitments of the Scottish Government, the Edinburgh Process partners, and the wider subnational constituency of the Convention on Biological Diversity, in delivering for nature over the coming decade. There are 54 current signatories of the Edinburgh Declaration, ranging from subnational, city and local authorities, to state party and additional supporters.
Sign the Edinburgh Declaration
Informal preparatory sessions for SBSTTA-24 and SBI-3
The informal sessions will address agenda items under the Convention, the Cartagena Protocol and the Nagoya Protocol. National focal points for the three instruments as well as SBSTTA focal points are strongly encouraged to coordinate in preparation for the sessions. The deadline for submission of nominations has been extended to 8 February 2021. Subnational and local governments are encouraged to contact their national CBD focal points for more information; and to keep an eye on the local and subnational advocacy for nature website for updates (linked below). The informal sessions will be held for three hours each day, from 7:00 – 10:00 a.m Montreal time, and interpretation will be provided in all UN languages.
Informal session in preparation for SBSTTA 24: 17-19 February and 24-26 February;
Informal session in preparation for SBI 3: 8-12 March and 14 March
Go to the subnational advocacy for nature website
Fifth session of the United Nations Environment Assembly
This fifth session of the UN Environment Assembly commencing on 22 -26 February 2021 2021 will mobilize, motivate and energize member States and stakeholders into sharing and implementing successful approaches and nature based solutions that contribute to the achievement of the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals, particularly the eradication of poverty and the promotion of sustainable patterns of consumption and production.
Realising the Urban Opportunity: Cities and Post-2020 Biodiversity Governance
The paper by Naturvation, Durham University, and Utrecht University sets out the important role that cities can and must play in a transformative agenda for the Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF). It subsequently turns to considering the specific ways in which cities are already contributing to global goals for biodiversity, followed by a consideration of the ways in which the GBF needs to embed and enable urban action.
ICLEI is collecting resources that can be useful and inspiring for local and subnational governments. Click here to see the dedicated webpage, and click here to access a collection of relevant blog posts.
The generous support from the Post-2020 Biodiversity Framework – EU Support project, the INTERACT-Bio project, and CitiesWithNature partners and cities, has contributed to this email update.