A training course organized by Youth for Our Planet (YfOP), the Global Youth Action Team (GYAT), the Global Youth Biodiversity Network (GYBN) and WWF will be held on March 12, 13 and 14 2021. The training course is titled “Our Planet Action Training: Taking the #ForNature youth manifesto from words to actions” and has been developed to concrete advocacy actions and campaigns to turn the #ForNature Youth Manifesto into actions.

Please note the deadline for registrations is 10 March 3pm ET.


In 2020, as part of the #ForNature Campaign, youth from major youth constituencies, organizations and youth movements came together to create a Youth Manifesto and Open Letter. The Youth manifesto contains a number of key youth priorities and political demands. It was presented at the UN General Assembly in September 2020 and signed by more than 1 300 individuals, youth organizations, constituencies and VIPs. Read it below.