Statement presented by ICLEI on behalf of our local and subnational government constituency at the Open Ended Working Group 1, Nairobi, Kenya

29 August 2019

Kobie Brand, Global Director: ICLEI CBC

Honourable Co-chairs, distinguished delegates, we address you on behalf of our local and subnational government constituency.

We noted with appreciation during yesterday’s sessions, that no less than 17 Parties specifically recognized and mentioned the pivotal role and contribution which local and subnational governments can and should make to the implementation of the new Global Biodiversity Framework.

In line with Decision 14/34, we will harness our constituency to actively engage and contribute to the development of a robust post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework. To this end we have developed a Common roadmap for cities, metropolitan areas, local and subnational governments towards “Living in Harmony with Nature”, thereby strengthening the momentum for an inclusive Post-2020 Framework.

We wish to acknowledge our partnership with, and the support by, the Post-2020 Biodiversity Framework EU Support Project in the development of this roadmap, as well as its implementation.

Through our roadmap we have committed to a range of activities, including organizing meetings and consultations to serve as platform – to inform local and subnational governments on the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework, and to elicit their views and ideas. We specifically focus on practical implementation mechanism and on enhancing linkages with our ongoing climate and SDG actions, for example a high level dialogue to take place during the UNFCCC COP25 in Chile, in December.

In July this year our constituency convened an event of 17 metropolitan area authorities and 27 other local and subnational governments from 12 countries, and our 129 relevant partners, in Medellin, which resulted in a powerful Declaration which greatly informed our emerging position.

We will keep consolidating inputs gathered through this roadmap into an inclusive local and subnational government position on the GBF, and present these at Open-Ended Working Group 2 meeting in Kunming next year.

We are further committed to sharing the engagements, achievements and experiences of our local and subnational governments and networks through the dedicated CitiesWithNature engagement commitment platform. This CitiesWithNature ( platform provides key resources for supporting action, a registry of commitments, and an exchange forum to strengthen collective local action in contributing to national and global biodiversity goals and targets.

Thank you